Year 8
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For lots of useful information about what your child will be doing in Year 8.
The Year 8 pastoral team will work together to ensure our Year 8 students:
Our vision is simple, we want year 8 to be the best year group in every way to ever graduate BBEC.
To achieve this our students will:
Embody our school values in all they do and their everyday lives at BBEC.
Be ambitious about their short-term and long-term goals and understand the link between the two.
Develop resilience to overcome barriers and have strong character to not give in. They are willing to try and will keep trying until they reach their goals.
Are well-rounded individuals who are thoughtful of others, kind, courteous and look out for each other.
Make ambitious choices for their education that allow them to thrive in their lessons, enjoy learning and have a drive to be the best they can be.
Are confident in their own skin and feel they can be true to themselves. They recognise and celebrate the diversity of others around them by being courteous and kind to each other and as a result, feel that they are an important part of the inclusive BBEC family.
Feel safe and happy in school at all times and are confident to go for support and guidance when they need it.
Show ambition beyond their learning by participating in extracurricular opportunities such as clubs, trips, work experience, engaging with Student Parliament or joining a sports team.
Demonstrate the best punctuality and attendance and recognise the link that this has to their achievement and enjoyment in school.
Excellent attendance is key for all Year 8 students. They must arrive on time each morning (by 8.30am), wearing correct uniform and with full equipment for their day ahead. Punctuality to lessons is important to ensure no valuable learning time is missed.
If parents have any questions your first port of call should be to communicate with your child’s form tutor via their ARCK Booklet. Please check ARCK Booklets at least once per week and sign the weekly page to acknowledge you have seen it. Teachers may contact you through the comments section. You can also check any homework or revision tasks set by your child’s teachers.
Should you wish to speak with a member of the pastoral team for Year 8 please see the information below.
Mr Taylor – Head of Year
Ms Latif – Pastoral Manager