Year 10
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For lots of useful information about what your child will be doing in Year 10, please have a look at our Year 10 Parent Guide.
Pastoral Statement of Intent for Year 10
Our aim is for year 10 to be the best year group at BBEC.​
Students will show resilience through the ability to accept difficulties and find strategies to cope, being prepared to accept help and support from others.
Demonstrate the best punctuality and attendance and recognise the link that this has to their achievement and enjoyment in school.
Students will be ambitious and motivated to succeed when learning at school and at home. They will enjoy learning and have a curiosity to learn about themselves and their world. This will include good attendance and positive behaviour choices. We will reward students for their efforts and achievements. The expectation will be to comply with school rules first-time, every-time.
We will promote an inclusive environment that encourages students to respect each other and see their differences as a positive, celebrating our diversity. They will be able to communicate effectively with others in a variety of situations showing compassion, courtesy and kindness to all.
We will give our students the knowledge to make positive choices about healthy lifestyles: physical, mental and emotional; and the knowledge to recognise risk and be able to respond safely.
Students will be reflective, looking at their experiences and behaviour and forming opinions on how these are shaping them as an individual. They will develop resilience to bounce-back from challenges, and perseverance to keep trying. They will be able to share their opinions on moral and ethical issues and listen to those of others with interest and respect.
Students will be encouraged to participate in a range of extra-curricular activities, including volunteer work and leadership roles within the school community. We will offer all students opportunities and experiences to increase their cultural capital.
Students will be aware of the next stage of their career path and what steps they need to take to get there. They will feel confident in their transition to KS4 and in their subject choices.
Our students will develop into responsible and respectful school citizens who are able to play their part in the school community and demonstrate their understanding of the school values (ARCK) through their actions. Students will have an understanding of their own heritage and take pride in this. They will understand the importance of living by British values in order to make a positive contribution to their school, national and global communities.
We will support colleagues so that all staff create a nurturing and supportive environment in which students feel safe, happy and confident. In turn develop emotional maturity and resilience enabling students to build healthy relationships with their peers and teachers.
If parents have any concerns or questions your first port of call should be to communicate with your child’s form tutor via their ARCK Booklet.
Please check ARCK Booklets at least once per week for any key messages, teachers may contact you through the comments section. It is really helpful for you to have the SIMs app as subject staff and the year team regularly send positive messages home via the app.
Should you wish to speak with a member of the pastoral team for Year 10 please see the information below.
Mr Dalby – Head of Year
Mr Hussain – Pastoral Manager