What is Unifrog?
All our students have free access to Unifrog. This is an excellent careers website which supports your child’s Careers, Education, Information and Guidance (CEAIG) provisions. There are also helpful sections for teachers, parents/Carers and staff. Parents/Carers can also have their own account.
Unifrog will help students with:

Unifrog also provides ongoing support for students and can be used beyond BBEC and up the end of Y13, so ideal for supporting applications to University. This is the home page for Unifrog on YouTube:
Students accessing Unifrog
All students will have a welcome email in the BBEC Outlook account which will link them to the Unifrog site and allow them to activate their account. Alternatively, go to www.unifrog.org and type in your BBEC email address: 2900????@bbec.bdat-academies.org
You can then use the Reset Password, and this will send a new welcome email to their BBEC Microsoft Outlook account.
In school there will also be support from tutors and our amazing BBEC Careers team to get students onto their accounts.

Parents accessing Unifrog
All parents/carers can have free access to their own Unifrog page by going to www.unifrog.org/code
Then use the code that was sent out to parents/carers in the letter and text.
If you have any questions, please contact BBEC Careers, use my email: joseph.ryan@bbec.bdat-acadermies.org