Transition Day for all Year 6 into Year 7 students is on Wednesday 2 July 2025.
Transition Evening for all Year 6 into Year 7 students and their parents/carers begins at 6pm.
You will receive a letter with more information about transition days at the end of April.
During transition evening you will recieve a booklet with all the details you need regarding uniform, learning and routines.
Below are a few frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start and finish?
School is open to children from 8.00am to enjoy some breakfast and some social time with friends before lessons start. All students must be in school before 8.30am. The day finishes at 3:00pm (Mon to Fri).
How long do lessons last for?
There are 5 x 1 hour lessons each school day. The school day will start with VIP and assemblies which last for 45 minutes. Teachers meet students at their classroom door and learning begins the moment they enter the classroom (this is why it is so important students are on time!).
What extra-curricular activities are available to my child?
Visit the Extra Curriculum page to view an example of the extra-curricular activities available to students this academic year. Please be aware that this may change in September.
In addition to activities there are clubs run by the Art and Design department, delving into photography, painting and drawing. The Music Department offers a wide range of instrumental lessons at heavily discounted prices (£1 a lesson) on drum, guitar, vocals, bass, piano, violin, flute, clarinet and saxophone.
Can my child be in a form group with his/her friends from primary?
We appreciate that starting school for your child can be a little daunting and having friends around may sound quite comforting but making new friends is an equally important part of starting at a new school.
The year team have spoken to all feeder primary schools and have been given information on pupil matches and these will be taken into consideration when placing students in their forms.
Classes for their other subjects however, are created based on ability so that teaching can be as tailored and as successful as possible
Do I need to meet my child at the school gates like in primary school?
No, but some parents do decide to collect their child from the main gates. We ask that any parents who pick up their child by car, park as distance away from the main entrance to ensure the safety of our students.
We find that most like to walk or cycle home with their friends once they gain a little more independence.
My child has specific SEN needs. Who do I contact about this?
Our SEN team at BBEC have already collected information on all students on the SEN register at primary school so you do not need to inform us.
If you do have any further specific concerns you can contact our SENDCo team, on
Where will the students have dinner?
Year 7 have their lunch in the main hall which is a designated space for Year 7 students. Here they can pick up a hot or cold meal or bring their own packed lunch.
We are a cashless school here at BBEC and so if the students are purchasing lunch you will need to add money to their Parent Pay account. More details can be found on our website.
If your child receives free school meals currently, you will need to reapply through the Bradford Council Website.
Who is my child’s form tutor and what is his/her role?
Every student will be placed in a Form Tutor group. Form time takes place every day.
The form tutor’s role is to deliver important PSHCE work, to monitor attendance and behaviour and also to provide pastoral care for your child should he/she need it.
Who do I speak with if I have a concern?
For non-urgent issues your child’s Form Tutor will be your main point of contact and should be the first person you refer to with any questions about your child. You can contact them via your child’s ARCK record.
If the concern is more urgent or you are unhappy with how your concern has been dealt, you can contact a member of the Year 7 team.
Miss David – Head of Year (ruth.david@bbec.bdat-academies.org)
Where should my child store PE uniform? Will my child get a locker?
Parents will be able to purchase a locker key via ParentPay when Year 7 students join us in September. This will be made available after transition day.
Upon your child’s departure from BBEC at the end of Year 11, providing he/she returns the locker key, the £5 will be refunded.
If lost, the locker key will cost £5 to replace, therefore, these should be looked after.
Pupils can put their PE uniform or any other belongings that they do not wish to carry in their locker before their first lesson starts at 8.35am. They can then return to their lockers to collect or drop off equipment on the way down to break and lunch or after school.
If my child is ill, how do I report the absence?
If your child is ill then you must ring the school number on 01274 676285 press option 1 for the dedicated absence line before 8.35am every day that your child is absent.
If there is no record of an absence and your child has not been registered in school then you will receive a phone call or text message informing you of the absence. If your child has to leave school early due to an illness you will be contacted and they must be signed out at student reception.
How much homework will my child receive and how do I know if my child gets any homework?
Your child will receive 2-3 pieces of English, Maths and Science homework each week. Depending on how often they have a subject will determine the amount of homework they receive.
Homework from other subjects will vary from once a week to once a half term. This will be logged on an application called ClassCharts. You will be given a login for you and your child when they start in September. That way you will be able to check what homework has been received and ensure your child is keeping up to date with the work.
My child has lost his/her PE uniform/coat etc.
If items have been lost in school, initially students should retrace their steps as more often than not they have left it in their previous lesson.
If it has been lost at break or lunch, usually someone will have handed it in to Student Reception and placed it in lost property.
Students should check in at Student Reception at break, lunch and at the end of the school day before they start to panic.
We strongly recommend labelling any items of uniform including PE uniform. If kit is left in the changing rooms, the PE department will be able to help your child look for it in lost property, however, if it isn’t labelled this is more difficult to do.
Is my child allowed a mobile phone in school? How can I contact my child?
Pupils may bring phones into school but only for emergency purposes on their journey to and from school, but once in school mobiles should not be seen or heard. If a student is found to have their mobile phone out during the school day it will be confiscated. The student will be able to collect the phone back at the end of the school day from Student Reception.
If there was a situation whereby your child needed to contact you, this can be done via Student Reception. Alternatively, if you need to contact your child during the school day, please ring the school on 01274 676285.
We look forward to meeting you in September.