We are a fully inclusive school and aim to ensure that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum.
All staff work together to promote the inclusion of all students and to support all students to access the curriculum. When a student is identified as having additional needs, we try to make available a wide range of provision both within the classroom and through additional interventions within the academy. For some students, we will draw on support from outside agencies and experts to support them to make progress.
We provide:
High quality and regular CPD for all staff
PSHCE curriculum
The facilities you provide to help disabled pupils access the school
Fully accessible building with lifts to all levels
Accessible tables in required classrooms
Disabled toilets and hygiene suite
The Hub – open before school, breaks and after school
Learning Development Centre
Please click here for our SEN Information Report
Please click here for our Accessibility Policy Accessibility-Plan
If you would like to contact a member of our SEND team, please contact school on 01274-676285 or by emailing SEND@bbec.bdat-academies.org
Miss J Henshall – Lead SENDCo/Foundation Learning
Miss H Dobson – Assistant SENDCo
Ms A Brogden – SEN Support Co-ordinator