Key Information and Documents
Students at BBEC will develop a range of skills to keep themselves and others safe, happy, and healthy. They will develop a real sense of community and understanding of their place as an active citizens in the wider world.
Develop a deep understanding of the importance of being an active citizen in modern Britain, who makes a positive contribution to school and the wider community
Teach students to understand British values of respect, tolerance, law, individual liberty and democracy which underpin our school value of kindness
Develop digital and personal resilience enabling students to make informed and safe choices
Ensure that students have a clear understanding of what healthy relationships look like so that they can keep themselves and others safe
Develop an understanding of the positive and negative influences on taking risks and forge a clear understanding that actions have consequences
Teach students the law regarding protected characteristics so that they can become responsible citizens actively countering discrimination
Develop oracy and so that students are confident speakers who are capable of opening, engaging in and sustaining a debate
Provide opportunities for students to read and develop vocabulary and language, whilst embedding knowledge or local, national and international, social, political and economic contexts
Develop a sense of pride in Bradford, students’ home city, and develop an awareness of the possibilities in the wider area, nationally and internationally
Celebrate and understand the different communities in Bradford, in Great Britain and in the world we inhabit today, ensuring that students celebrate difference so that all feel like they belong at BBEC
Developing self-efficacy creating ambitious and resilient learners who are able to learn from their mistakes and move forward with ambition
Develop students’ empathy and compassion, both independently and collectively as a community, acting with courtesy and kindness at all times
Provide opportunities for students to develop numeracy skills ensuring future financial literacy
The PSHCE curriculum at BBEC covers the statutory requirements of the National Citizenship Curriculum as well as statutory RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) guidance.
Each week, all students receive an assembly that links to our Personal Development priorities led by a wide range of staff and external speakers.
It has been designed with the needs of our students in mind, looking at local and national data to reflect on what we need to focus on as a school.
We have close links with our pastoral and safeguarding teams to ensure that we both preventatively safeguard and react to the immediate safeguarding and pastoral priorities of our students throughout the year.
Every week, students are provided with a carefully selected “In the News” article or video showcasing current affairs allowing students the opportunity to both discuss and be aware of a wide range of national and worldwide issues.
We are visited by the Positive Choices team from the Leeds United Foundation each year who deliver a range of workshops around making good choices as a drop-down day for KS3 students.
We provide students with opportunities to develop their understanding of fundamental British values and citizenship through our Student Parliament which allows students to develop leadership and oracy skills.
Developing students so that they reflect on how they can be the best version of themselves thinking ahead to their future ambitions
Engaging with complex points of law, policies and information for academic debate
Taking an interest in current affairs beyond the curriculum
Using critical thinking skills to analyse the information we receive about issues in PSHCE.
Explicitly learning how to be resilient in a range of life situations as well as encouraging students to reflect on the choices that they make.
Developing self-efficacy and resistance to influence to ensure that students keep themselves and others safe, healthy and happy.
Learning that it is ok to change our minds and challenge misconceptions.
Accepting others’ views even if they do not align with our own and demonstrating listening skills to show understanding of others’ view.
Developing students’ understanding and celebration of difference so that all students feel welcomed at BBEC.
Explicitly learning what it means to be kind and courteous to both ourselves and others and understanding the impact this can have on our BBEC community and beyond.
Parents right to withdraw
Parents’ have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory components of RSE. Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing and addressed to the headteacher. A copy of withdrawal requests will be placed in the students’ educational record. The headteacher or his appointed representative will discuss the request with parents and take appropriate action. Appropriate alternative work will be given to students who are withdrawn from RSE.
Department Curriculum links
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