Positive Attitudes to Learning (PA2L)
Positive recognition stamps are recorded in the student ARCK Record. Every week students will use a dedicated form time each week to collate their total positive points and these will be recorded on our tracking system to count towards prizes, trips, and a wide range of other rewards. Staff may also use ARCK Records to communicate positive messages home. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

As with all aspects of life at BBEC, our approach to Behaviour and Attitudes will be based upon our school values.
Our values are taken from what we wish to see in our students every day both in lessons, in their social time and as they grow into young adults.
Ambition – We set ourselves challenging goals
Resilience – We give it a go
Courtesy – We are polite to everyone
Kindness – We show we care about those around us.

The Sanctions System in response to unacceptable behaviours of any kind is non-negotiable. It is simple, clear, fair and applied consistently. It is designed to prevent and remedy disruption to the learning process and maintain our safe and orderly school.
Within Lessons
Phase 1 - If students do not follow instructions they will be given a Verbal Warning. The teacher will make it clear that they have received this along with the reason for it. The aim of the verbal warning is to indicate to the student that what they are doing is unacceptable and it cannot continue. They now have a choice to stop, without consequence, before Phase 2.
Phase 2 - Given for continuation of unacceptable behaviour in class, despite the first verbal warning. At this point, the member of staff removes the ARCK Record from the student as a visible signal that Phase 3 will be implemented in the event of further poor attitude to learning.
Phase 3 - A Written Comment is given for continuation of unacceptable behaviour in lessons, despite the two verbal warnings. Staff will record this in the student ARCK Record as a comment for behaviour.
Phase 4 - At this point the class teacher has come to the decision that student is persistently undermining the work of everyone in the room despite two verbal warnings and a written comment so the student is given a Lesson Removal to an Exit area.
Key for Phase 3 Behaviour Codes​​​​​​​​​​

Repeated Disruption in Lessons or Serious incidents
Behaviour is tracked and monitored closely in school and students who demonstrate repeated disruption will face further sanctions including but not limited to:
Phase 5 - Whole School detentions (30 mins Mon-Fri)
Phase 6 - Headship detentions (60 mins Fri)
Phase 7 - Isolation from other students where they will be expected to work in silence in a separate part of school for a period of time.
Very serious or repeated poor behaviour could lead to:
Phase 8 - Fixed Term Suspension where they are not allowed to attend school for a fixed period of time. Parents/carers will have to attend school for a return to education meeting to discuss the behaviour of the student.
Phase 9 - Permanent Exclusion where the student will be removed from the school roll and will have to attend a different school.
Examples of behaviour which is not accepted under any circumstances can be found in the student ARCK Record.
Social Time, Movement and Assembly Routines​