Key Information and Documents
At BBEC we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, in which students participate in a range of sports and activities, so that they will all find something they enjoy, engendering a love of physical activity and an ambition to pursue a lifelong commitment to physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
Through our Physical Education curriculum we intend to:
emphasise the importance of being physically active to improve students’ health and well-being
develop confidence and learn the skills of team-work, leadership, fair play, communication, discipline and resilience
incorporate fundamental British values, promoting the importance of democracy in teamwork, abiding by the rules of the game, mutual respect and tolerance
help students to feel that they belong by promoting and highlighting athletes with diverse characteristics participating in a wide range of sports
develop a deep understanding of how the body works so students can understand the positive impact of physical activity and can participate safely
provide opportunities for students to extend their vocabulary and language both through using technical sporting language and standard English
develop application of mathematical knowledge, especially to calculate target heart rate to ensure effective training
create a variety of opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular sport
understand and appreciate the influence of sport in the context of sporting events in Bradford, the UK and across the world
improve the participation of students in sports outside school by ensuring they know information about the sports clubs in the local area and are encouraged to participate in these clubs
promote ambition to follow careers in sport by providing opportunities for students to meet and train with local elite sports people and by offering students the opportunity to watch a professional sport performance
coherently sequence the curriculum in order to build the necessary knowledge so that the skills learned can be applied in different sports and to encourage students to study formal qualifications in the subject post 16 and beyond.
Full National Curriculum coverage.
A commitment to subject specific professional development means that all our teachers are able to teach across the full range of activities enabling equality of provision for all students regardless of gender or ability.
Physical literacy is explicitly threaded through the curriculum in order that students develop motivation and confidence alongside knowledge and understanding and physical competencies.
Explicit development of essential skills including: leadership, collaboration and communication.
An explicit emphasis on teaching the link between physical activity and mental health and well- being.
Popular uptake of BTEC Sport at Key Stage 4 as a result of the strong foundations afforded by the Key Stage 3 curriculum.
Bespoke extra-curricular clubs planned to support students with special educational needs ensuring that they are able to develop movement and confidence.
Making every effort to improve in all activities, at all times.
Being aware of what is required to succeed in PE and sport and endeavouring to meet challenges with determination.
Approaching each lesson or training session with an open mind and a determination to develop knowledge, understanding and skills.
Pursuing physical activity beyond the PE lesson, aspiring to participate in extra-curricular clubs and sports in the wider local, regional and national community.
Coming back for another attempt, even when activities are challenging or the activity is unfamiliar.
Being open to trying new activities and new methods of practice; accepting that every failure is a learning opportunity.
Continuing to work hard even when losing, promoting a spirit of healthy competition.
Helping everybody to develop their skills, whatever their ability, previous experience or background.
Ensuring that the facilities, equipment and environment in PE is looked after and respected.
Adhering to the rules and etiquette of the activity and environment.
Being able to evaluate your own and others’ performances, effort and contribution in a sincere and productive way.
Managing potential conflict situations in order to arrive at resolutions in a professional and calm manner.
Department Curriculum links
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