The pastoral team is a dedicated group of multi-professionals who are attached to a year group and provide a specialist support role.
Each year group has a team of Head of Year and a Pastoral Manager.
Each Head of Year will be responsible for monitoring the rewards, behaviour and attendance of their year group. Weekly information will be provided by the HOY to Form Tutors to ensure that there is a clear and relentless focus on improving behaviour and attitudes towards learning alongside celebrating positive achievements and rewards. All year teams have allocated caseloads of students to work with to ensure that the right kind of support is being provided.
There is also an Assistant Head of Year (Miss Fagan) who works across all year groups primarily focussing on attendance.
Students are introduced to their pastoral manager through assemblies when they first start at BBEC. The team deals with behavioural issues including: intervention and rewards, transition, attendance, bullying, detentions, reintegration following illness or absence, or any other issues that a student may experience throughout their school life. Students can make appointments with a specific member of the pastoral team if they wish to.
There are also a number of other pastoral managers who work with students to rectify poor behaviour, lead the isolation space and support with the quality assurance of external alternative provision.
Any parent queries or concerns should first be directed to the Head of Year by telephone or email. Members of the pastoral team are also available via appointment to meet with parents/carers to further discuss and help solve any issues that may be affecting a student’s progress or well-being.
Lead Pastoral Manager – Mr Smith
Deputy Lead Pastoral Manager – Miss Harrison