The government has changed the law in recent years so that now young people leaving school need to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday. Students can choose to study or train in the following ways:
Study full time in a sixth form or sixth from college
Study full time in a further education or specialist college
Undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship
Work or volunteer full time whilst combining that with some training
The careers team and wider staff at Buttershaw provide a lot of information through PSCHE and within their subjects which may not be shared with their parents/ carers. Here at Buttershaw we understand that parents/carers are vital in students understanding of career choices and the decision that they make. We would like to make sure that parents and carers have up to date information on choices 14+, 16+ and beyond and we want to encourage you to attend our aspirations evening, parents evening and any careers appointments made available to you on that night. We also encourage students to share their conversations with the careers adviser in the school. If parents or carers have any careers related concerns you can get in touch with our careers team at careers@bbec.bdat-academies.org
If you are looking for information to support your child with their career options, the following links could be helpful for you:
www.parentalguidance.org.uk A really useful website that offers advice and information on all aspects of careers choice for young people aged 13-25.
Parents Guide To
https://www.theparentsguideto.co.uk/tips/ The Parents Guide provides parents and carers with a range of free resources filled with all the information they need at GCSE and sixth form to help their teenage children create successful futures.
National Apprenticeship Week 2025 is fast approaching and here are some really useful resources:
Link to National Apprenticeship Week resources on the Amazing Apprenticeship website
Target Careers
Youth Employment UK
General advice for parents on qualifications and helping them make choices
http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/9058c6ab#/9058c6ab/10 Provides information and advice on helping and supporting your son or daughter to make good careers decisions. This focuses predominantly on A level study.
Amazing Apprenticeships
The man website for parents for information and advice surrounding apprenticeships. They produce monthly guides that you can look through giving useful tips for you as a parent which are time relevant. Worth checking out and subscribing, to these newsletters
West Yorkshire Learning Providers (WYLP)
Local Training Providers and Colleges who provide apprenticeships in West Yorkshire.
STEM (Sceince, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
A useful website for parents to explore the different careers related to the subjects of science, technology engineering and maths. The website also links to other websites which might be worth investigation if you wish to research further.
Personal Guidance – What to expect
If you also want an explanation of what you can expect from a careers guidance interview, please see the following link which give a good explanation of the process https://cswgroup.co.uk/education/what-to-expect-from-your-career-guidance-interview/
How can parents/ carers further help the school?
Our careers program aims to support young people to reach their potential and move on to a positive destination at the end of their time here. The school would like to engage with parents carers and relatives of our students in the development and delivery of our careers program. Support will be asked form parents regularly through our social media outlets. Here are a few ideas on how you could get involved
Ask your employer if they can host a group of students on an employer visit
If an employer, offer work placements to our students during our work experience week
Offer support to our students by acting as an interviewer for our mock interview panels
Support one of our school academies
Provide a motivational speech to our students
If you have any other suggestions or want to get involved please contact careers@bbec.bdat-academies.org who can look at how to accommodate you.