At Buttershaw we want to make sure you make the right choices when you leave us in year 11 and have access to up to date information. This section of the website can hopefully help you to do this giving information on levels, types of qualifications and the different options available in our area.
Firstly it is important for you to pick the right level of course for you at this point. Different jobs need different levels of qualifications, so it might be worth knowing which level you are currently attaining first before considering a career, although you can work towards any level. The levels are as follows.

You will usually need to pass the level below before you can move up to the next. For instance if you wanted to do a level 3 qualification in Business you will need a level 2 qualification in a similar subject as well as your Maths and English at a 4 ( C) or above. You can always work your way up through the levels, and it is important to remember just because you are a level 1 student now doesn’t mean you cannot get to a degree level qualification in the end. Remember that this is just your starting point.
It is also important to understand the types of qualifications that are out there, and which might be the best for you. The video below explains the different types of qualifications there are and what they may look like.
When considering each option is important to do further research into how they work and whether they will suit your style of learning and also be relevant to the career you wish to enter into.
Please take a look at the guides below for further information on some of these routes.
Try the tool on their website which allows you to see where the A levels you might want to choose can take you.

BTECS – if you would prefer to take a certain vocational path or do a practical work based course, you might want to consider a BTEC. They come in a number of different levels 1-3. It will depending on your current level as to what level you will end up on. You can go to university with BTEC qualifications.
T levels (taken from gov.uk)
T Levels are new courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels. These 2-year courses, which launched September 2020, have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study.
T Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days).
In time, students will be able to take a T Level in the following subject areas:
agriculture, land management and production
animal care and management
building services engineering for construction (starting September 2021)
craft and design
design and development for engineering and manufacturing
design, surveying and planning for construction (now available)
digital business services (starting September 2021)
digital production, design and development (now available)
digital support and services (starting September 2021)
education and childcare (now available)
hair, beauty and aesthetics
health (starting September 2021)
healthcare science (starting September 2021)
human resources
maintenance, installation and repair for engineering and manufacturing
management and administration
engineering, manufacturing, processing and control
media, broadcast and production
onsite construction (starting September 2021)
science (starting September 2021)
T Level courses include the following compulsory elements:
a technical qualification, which includes:
core theory, concepts and skills for an industry area
specialist skills and knowledge for an occupation or career
an industry placement with an employer
a minimum standard in maths and English if students have not already achieved them.
If you want to know more visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/introduction-of-t-levels/introduction-of-t-levels
Apprenticeships – An apprenticeship is a program that develops a young person to gain the skills they need in a work based environment in a particular trade, this is achieved by hands on work and classroom learning. Apprenticeships are considered full-time employment. As the apprentice is learning, they are also applying the lessons through working.
If you are considering this as an option please contact careers@bbec.bdat-academies.org
Traineeships – If you not quite ready for an apprenticeship, you may wish to consider a traineeship. This is an 8 week to 6 month program where you gain work experience in your chosen sector and also improve your Maths and English if needed. This is mainly for students who need that extra work experience to enter the job market.
These are the main qualifications available to you in our area. If you have specific qualifications that you have questions about, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
It is important for you to think about where you might want to take these qualifications, taking into account distance, courses offered and the success of students on them. The main three options open to you at post 16 are:
Sixth Form or Sixth Form College (Link to sub section)
Further Education College or Study Programs (Link to Sub section)
Apprenticeships, and Traineeships (Link to Sub section)