Key Information and Documents
We aim to deliver a curriculum that excites, enthuses, empowers, challenges and promotes music, dance and drama to engender a lifelong love of the performing arts and recognise their contribution to society.
Through our Music and Performing Arts curriculum we intend to:
Foster knowledge, understanding and an interest in how music, drama and dance works; our intention is to help to create fully rounded, self-aware individuals who are ambitious, resilient, courteous and kind
Provide clear sequencing of learning so that students build on prior knowledge and apply this learning in different situations
Enable students to acquire practical skills and the ability to perform with accuracy, fluency, and expression giving our students the ambition to perform to a high standard, and to support others who also aim for high standards
Teach knowledge and skills to achieve depth of learning and make links between different elements of the curriculum
Expose students to different genres, historical periods, styles and traditions, thus enhancing cultural capital
Foster creativity to compose and improvise with skill, building on prior experiences
Develop a rich vocabulary though which students can describe and evaluate the technical and contextual features of music, drama and dance
Dncourage students to be confident and creative and embed skills such as leadership, teamwork, practice, and mastery, improving social skills as well as subject-specific
Dnable all students to develop their performance potential through engaging experiences, recognising that music, dance and drama as art forms are an important part of cultural identity, and that our subjects are of proven benefit to both cognitive and character development
Help students to feel that they belong by promoting and highlighting musicians and practitioners with diverse characteristics participating in a wide range of genres to instil respect and kindness for each other in performance, and for the artistry of musicians and practitioners from all backgrounds
Encourage and prepare students for lifelong learning in music, dance and drama, both in and out of school, teaching students not only how to participate in the arts but be able to engage with and appreciate them as an audience
Foster a positive working atmosphere where courtesy and kindness help everybody to develop their knowledge and skills, whatever their ability, previous experience, or background
Develop knowledge of, and pride in, Buttershaw and Bradford as well as developing ambition and awareness of the possibilities outside the local environment by exploring musicians and practitioners from Bradford and their influence on different styles and genres.
Instil resilience to perform in both small and large settings, participating in memorable occasions that contribute to the school life and the community.
Key strengths of the Music and Performing Arts Curriculum:
Full National Curriculum coverage.
Carefully planned opportunities for students to use industry standard Digital Audio Workstations promoting the use of music technology and making links to careers in the music industry.
Research driven and knowledgeable subject specialists.
The use of peripatetic staff which is integrated into the curriculum.
Links with local primary schools foster an understanding of the key stage 2 curriculum in music and through collaboration and sharing of subject expertise this seeks to secure the future development of music in the local community.
A fully inclusive co-curricular programme which ensures that any disadvantage is actively countered through the allocation of funding to support music and the arts.
AMBITION in Music and Performing Arts means….
Striving to achieve professional standards in terms of production values.
Joining co-curricular clubs and taking advantage of performance opportunities.
Being brave enough to perform in a range of solo contexts.
Embracing the challenge of technical aspects of the study of music including learning musical notations and in drama learning theoretical knowledge.
Using complex tier three vocabulary to articulate and communicate increasingly complex compositions.
RESILIENCE in Music and Performing Arts means….
Taking risks in performance and composition knowing that errors lead to improvement.
Being responsive to teacher and peer appraisal understanding that this leads to improvements.
COURTESY and KINDNESS in Music and Performing Arts means…..
Listening and watching performances without negative judgement.
Offering sincere, warm support and advice not taking ourselves too seriously.
Creating a safe space for all to perform.
Department Curriculum links
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