Key Information and Documents
Through the teaching of mathematics we aim to inspire a love of problem solving in all our students so that they can come to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of finding patterns and making connections. We aim to create deep thinkers who can go out into the world able to competently and confidently apply mathematics in their day to day life and are equipped to progress to the study of mathematics and related subjects at further education and beyond.
Provide students with a buzz for mathematics so they learn through a love of the subject.
Develop a deep understanding of core mathematical concepts which underpin future learning.
Revisit concepts throughout the learning journey to build on and improve understanding as well as explicitly teach the links between topics and how this can improve our fundamental understanding of mathematics.
Provide opportunities to develop oracy through explicit teaching of mathematical vocabulary and its origin and expecting its use in questioning and answers.
Enthuse and enable students to go on to study further Mathematics courses and/or use mathematics confidently within their future lives and future workplace.
Foster an environment which is inclusive and representative of all students we serve within the BBEC community.
Put mathematics into contexts relevant to all students who make up the BBEC community.
Schedule opportunities for students to read engaging and enriching mathematical articles, directly related to current learning, to support the whole school reading focus.
Enable students to access worded mathematical problems and above all develop an understanding of the relevance of mathematics and some of its most exciting features.
Include time for students to study famous mathematicians, their lives, discoveries, impact on mathematics and the wider world and how their work relates to topics currently being studied.
Full National Curriculum Coverage
An emphasis on understanding, using a variety of representations and being able to explain thinking as well as clear modelling of fundamental methods.
Flexibility for teachers to adapt lessons to enable them to respond to misconceptions and develop this rich understanding.
All students are exposed to fluency, reasoning and problem solving as well as technical language. Appropriate support is provided where needed and students who grasp concepts quickly are encouraged to think more deeply to develop current learning rather than being moved on too quickly to new topics.
Students gain an understanding of the importance of mathematics within the real world and develop an appreciation of the roles of different cultures and communities in developing modern mathematics.
A rich programme of co-curricular activities and events enables all pupils to access Mathematics not just as a subject to be learned and tested but a topic to be enjoyed and investigated.
AMBITION in maths means….
Taking pride in methods and solutions and the way these are communicated within the mathematics exercise book to demonstrate clear understanding of a topic.
Embracing challenges and valuing the journey of solution discovery rather than expecting an answer to simply appear.
Seeking links between different topics to enable knowledge building as well as mixed method problem solving.
Articulating reasoning when solving problems.
RESILIENCE in maths means….
Persevering when faced with challenges.
Searching a variety of known methods to find an applicable solution to the problem faced.
Discussing mathematical concepts and reflecting honestly on level of understanding. Communicating any difficulties and asking for help when required.
Revising and learning all ‘Learn by Heart’ facts as well as developing confidence in Times Tables and the 12 identified BBEC numeracy ‘Key Skills’.
COURTESY and KINDNESS in maths means…..
Asking and answering questions and developing a curiosity for the subject.
Contributing to a learning environment built on a mutual respect of one another where mistakes are expected and seen as a learning tool rather than something to be ashamed of.
Helping to improve others answers through use of correct mathematical terminology and full explanation of how and why a method works.
Department Curriculum links
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