The library at BBEC is a welcoming, inclusive space for the whole school community. We have lots of fiction and non-fiction books to read, laptops for homework, board games, mindful colouring, puzzles and other activities. The library supports the BBEC Reading Strategy by encouraging reading for pleasure and students are always welcome to recommend books to purchase for the library collection.
Library expectations
The library is a place for everyone to enjoy and we expect behaviour in the library to reflect the values of the school and the rights of other users:
â– Use quiet indoor voices
â– No food or drink.
â– Please use quiet, indoor voices.
â– Follow the modes of learning.
â– Work with ambition and resilience.
â– Show courtesy and kindness by tidying up after yourself.
â– Return books, laptops and other equipment to their proper places.
Library Team:
Ms Andrew is the school librarian and is supported by a team of student librarians who volunteer their time to help in the library.
Opening hours:
08.00 – 16.00 Monday to Thursday
08.00 – 15.30 Friday
The library is also open during break and lunchtime.​
Borrowing books
Students can borrow up to two books at a time, books are normally issued for two weeks but can be renewed for longer if no one else has reserved them. All books must be brought to the library help desk to be issued and returned. If your books are overdue you will get a reminder sent to your student email, please make sure you check it regularly. If you fail to return a book or return books which are damaged, you may be asked to replace or pay for an item. A letter will be sent home to your parents/carers, explaining the situation and how much it costs to replace the item. Payment or the replacement item should be returned to the library where it will be checked and a receipt issued to show that this item is now cleared.