Key Information and Documents
To ensure that our rich curriculum develops curious and resilient learners who become future ambassadors for the discipline of History. Our students will recognise the importance of learning from past historical examples to be ambitious for their future in creating a kinder and more courteous atmosphere for their peers, local community and country.
widen our students’ horizons by studying history at a local, regional, national and international history level
equip our students with an understanding of how the past is relevant to their lives
enable students to recognise how patterns and trends from the past influence current and future affairs by tracking the development of key components of societies such as religion, government, empire and civilisation
use a range of historical source material to both interrogate the past to create an interpretation for themselves or to use to prove and challenge historical hypotheses
develop critical thinkers who use evidence-based arguments to arrive at judgements, considering the context and climate of each event to help them develop a deeper understanding of societies over time
embed historical skills such as cause and consequence, change and continuity over time, similarity and difference, historical significance, and source skills
equip students with the substantive knowledge to ‘know what history is about’ and the disciplinary knowledge to ‘think like a historian’.
Full National Curriculum coverage
Breadth and depth of knowledge: a wide body of knowledge is covered which reflects the multiculturalism and importance of our city, particularly Bradford’s reformist past
Mastery of knowledge: we want students to develop a range of historical skills, including the interpretation and critical analysis of a wide range of sources, so interleave and revisit this across the curriculum with increasing complexity.
Units are sequenced broadly chronologically to build our students’ mental timeline, and our ‘historical enquiry’ based approach builds on and secures prior knowledge and skills
History outside the classroom: we seek opportunities to build on history outside the classroom by organising trips and visits locally and nationally, and work with local charities and organisations to promote this.
Application of skills and knowledge to the real world: History fulfils a unique role in that it not only has a methodology which is highly transferable to wide range of professions and business situations, but it is also a study of human behaviour and interaction in real situations. We want to show students that History as an academic subject is highly regarded by employers in a vast range of careers and in particular in law, politics, journalism, research, and the media.
AMBITION in History means….
Using skills and knowledge to think deeply about key Historical concepts over time and applying this to answer complex questions developing skills of critical thinking, analysis and evaluation.
Having the capability to use a range of historical skills including the interpretation and critical analysis of a range of sources.
Being able to read extended texts and write at length as a historian.
Being able to draw valid inferences from a variety of sources.
Reading the work of academic historians
Having the confidence to construct and defend points of view using evidence
RESILIENCE in History means….
Participating in discussions where a range of ideas and opinions are presented.
Asking questions of source material in the pursuit of creating a well constructed argument.
Committing to making effective use of feedback to develop understanding.
COURTESY and KINDNESS in History means…..
Learning about difficult historical content in a mature and empathetic manner
Considering the opinions of others when debating
Recognising that there is often no one right answer to historical questions and enquiries, and appreciating that their own judgements and the judgements of others (including historians) are matters of interpretation
Developing an understanding of the historical context of old historical attitudes which discriminate the protected characteristics and explaining how these have been overcome to benefit society
Department Curriculum links
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