Key Information and Documents
Sara Morrissey
Governors help the school senior managers to set the course for the school over the next few years. They also check that the Headteacher and his colleagues are leading the school well. They approve the school policies and budget.
If you would like to contact our governors, please write to the school : Chair of Governors. Buttershaw Business & Enterprise College, Reevy Road West, Bradford, BD6 3PX.
BDAT Business Page – including Register of Interest : https://www.bdat-academies.org/bdat-business/registers-of-interest/
We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor and are seeking nominations for an enthusiastic and committed parent or carer to join the governing board.
The core functions of the governing board are:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
Holding senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation, its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
The term of office for all governors is four years.
At BBEC we always aim for positive and purposeful partnerships with parents, which undoubtedly bring important benefits to the pupils. One of the most significant ways you can help in promoting this aim is to volunteer to be a parent governor. The governing board’s main tasks are to support the school in ensuring that all pupils receive a high quality education and plan for future development and improvement.
Parent governors are welcomed as valued members of the team and play a vital role in contributing towards the strategic direction of the school.
We are confident that there are parents prepared to volunteer to take on this key role and give their time and commitment to help us continue to develop and improve the school’s performance.
Governors are occasionally required to visit the school during the day for monitoring visits and are encouraged to support school events, where possible. We offer new governors a comprehensive and supportive induction, and each new governor is assigned a mentor. Full training for the role is also available.
For further information, please see the letter, declaration and FAQ below:
BDAT Parent Governor Vacancy letter
Parent Governor Election Letter
Information for Parent Governors
BDAT FAQs for Parent Governors
Parent Governor Application Form
Governor Additional Information
Register of Interests – Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust (bdat-academies.org)