Key Information and Documents
All at Buttershaw Business and Enterprise College are passionately committed to promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for all in the BBEC family. We are committed to creating a school, built on our values, where all truly belong and can thrive. We actively promote inclusion and robustly challenge unfair treatment of any kind.
We have achieved our Diversity Mark Bronze Award.
Our commitment to creating an inclusive school is embodied in 6 areas of development.
School Improvement Planning
Personal development and assemblies
Positive behaviour management
Student Leadership
The promotion of equality, inclusion, and diversity is central to our strategic planning. During 2023-24 we aim:
To develop a whole-school curriculum that enables students to understand and appreciate a wide-range of influences, that celebrates difference and similarity and promotes equality and diverse.
To develop the behaviour system in order to further reduce the instances of bullying, aggression, discrimination and derogatory behaviour and to deal with them effectively and quickly when they do occur.
To develop a real understanding, appreciation and respect for the diversity of students and staff within BBEC, in our local community and beyond. Ensuring that all in BBEC celebrate difference as well as all we have in common.
To ensure that BBEC’s vision, values and curriculum intent are put into practice to ensure that every member of BBEC: students, staff, and governors experience equality of opportunity and truly feel that they belong.
Our commitment to inclusion is demonstrated in our school motto ‘We all belong at BBEC’ which is displayed boldly in our central Atrium.
Other signs and displays around BBEC reflect BBEC’s values, celebrate people from all different backgrounds and seek to challenge stereotypes eg

The intent of the curriculum at BBEC includes the aims to:
create a school where everyone belongs and equality of opportunity is actively and effectively promoted.
develop an understanding, appreciation and respect for diversity while recognising and celebrating difference as well as all we have in common.
Our school curriculum promotes inclusion and the celebration of diversity:
Protected characteristics are taught in PSHCE /RSE.
All departments have an inclusion statement in their curriculum intent.
Schemes of learning have been reviewed and re-written to ensure that all students see themselves represented in the resources, examples and stories that we use to illustrate teaching. Some departments’ curriculum content has been changed to improve students’ appreciation of diversity and to encourage inclusion.
The canon of books picked for ‘BBEC Reads’ has diverse authors, diverse themes, protagonists from a range of protected characteristics and a range of genres.
Our tutor programme (VIP – Values in Practice) focuses on teaching students to recognise and appreciate diversity and to become tolerant and inclusive citizens. We teach protected characteristics, mark important events throughout the year – Show Racism the Red Card, National Transgender Day, Pride Month, Holocaust Memorial Day, Black History Month, Disability Awareness Week etc and explain and celebrate a variety of religious festivals.
Students discuss an ‘item in the news’ every week. Each item is chosen to promote discussion about inclusion and the negative effects of discrimination and stereotyping.
Our assembly programme is linked to VIP. Every assembly is based on our values, introduces a person represented on our signs and, many boldly challenge non-inclusive behaviours eg homophobic language, disablism, sexualised language, discrimination…
We have made it clear to students, through VIP, assemblies and our day-to-day interactions and, with reference to our values of Courtesy and Kindness, that non-inclusive behaviour or language is not tolerated at BBEC. Supporting our strong PSHCE and RSE curriculums, a plan of assemblies on homophobic language, disablism, sexualised language, racism, what it is to be a refugee and describing a variety of religious festivals help to emphasise the BBEC mottos of ‘We all belong at BBEC’. Any poor, non-inclusive behaviour is sanctioned and students are engaged in activities to re-educate and ensure that such behaviour is not repeated.
Students are encouraged to
Stop it!
Call it out!
Report it!
Stop It!
BBEC’s Student Parliament is our main body of student leadership. Our Diversity Department is one of four departments within the parliament. Working with our Diversity Leader, students in this department work with commitment and enthusiasm to plan events that seek to educate and promote Equality and Diversity at BBEC.