Colleges offer a wider variety of courses that are suitable for learners of all abilities and ages:
A Levels offered at each college will vary: there is often a large choice of different subjects and courses usually take two years to complete.
BTEC’s are related to broad employment areas such as business, IT, sport or health and social care
Vocational courses: that lead to specific jobs such as joinery, plumbing or hairdressing.
GCSEs offered at each college will vary. There is always an opportunity to re-sit maths and English if you do not have them at a level 4 or above
Courses for students who are 19+ to help them get to university. These are called access course.
Vocational Higher Education Level courses, such as Foundation Degrees, Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) and Certificates (HNCs). You can do a degree at a college!
Foundation Courses to develop maths, English, study skills, confidence and employability. These courses can give students the chance to try out several different vocational areas, as well as prepare them for academic study.
Learning for leisure these courses are usually part-time and often in the evenings. They may involve learning more about a hobby or interest e.g. photography, sewing, cooking for beginners.
Bradford and the surrounding area has a number of colleges that you can pick from to attend. You may want to consider distance but they may also offer a course that is not offered in other places.
Bradford College – https://www.bradfordcollege.ac.uk/
Calderdale College – https://www.calderdale.ac.uk/
Craven College – www.craven-college.ac.uk
Keighley College – https://keighleycollege.ac.uk/
Leeds City College – www.leedscitycollege.ac.uk
Shipley College – https://www.shipley.ac.uk/
Kirklees College – https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/
There are also Specialist Colleges in our region which offer courses that focus on a specific vocational area. It might be that you want to consider these if you are really interested in a particular subject they are offering.
Leeds College of Building (Construction) – https://www.lcb.ac.uk
Leeds Arts University (Art) – https://www.leeds-art.ac.uk/
White Rose Beauty (Beauty)- https://www.whiterosebeautycolleges.co.uk/our-colleges/leeds
Exceed Training (Hairdressing) – https://www.salonexceed.co.uk/training-academy/
If you feel you would benefit from support in applying for any of these options please contact school by emailing careers@bbec.bdat-academies.org
Study Program
Vocational qualifications can also be offered through a study program. If you feel that you are more interested in a flexible program of study which is in a smaller setting, a study program might be for you. On these programs you get:
A vocational qualification
Work experience in your chosen profession
Career advice and guidance to prepare you for work
Help towards your costs (you may be entitled to a learner bursary and help towards travel costs while training).
The two main providers of these are Aspire- Igen, Barnardo’s, and Motiv8. For further information on the courses they offer please visit their websites below
Aspire – Igen – https://youngpeople.aspire-igen.com/aspire2work/
Motiv8 – https://www.motive8vc.co.uk/
Barnardo’s – https://www.barnardos.org.uk/what-we-do/services/ets-yorkshire
There are also other providers of these services in other areas including Kirklees and Calderdale If you wish to be referred to any of these please get in touch with school on careers@bbec.bdat-academies.org