Careers at BBEC is currently led by me, Joe Ryan (Assistant Headteacher). I am your main point of contact for anything related to Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG).
Gatsby Benchmarks
Our Careers Programme is underpinned by the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Career Development Institutes’ ‘Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education’. The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are:
A stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance
Here is more information: Gatsby Benchmarks Explained
There is also more information for supporting SEND and Bespoke (Alternate) provision students: SEND | Gatsby Benchmarks
Gatsby Benchmark 4 – Linking Learning to Careers
Our own Compass Audits of our provisions have highlighted this Benchmark as an area for improvement. We also recognise the huge importance all staff can play in raising and broadening the aspirations of our students, especially by linking learning with careers.
Below are some useful links to support our delivery of Gatsby Benchmark 4:
Teacher Resources | CEC Resource Directory
A mass of resources for subjects to promote their links to different careers.
Really good range of short videos linked to English, math, science and geography.
Jobs that use... - Careers - BBC Bitesize
A range of jobs/careers related to each subject area and how to get into the job.
A range of resources for English, math and science.
Creative Industries Toolkit Booklet Students
A pdf for subjects linked to creativity and matching up well with many of our KS4 optional subjects.
All teaching staff have access to Unifrog. This also means access to thousands of resources, and these can be found by doing a simple search of a keyword like “math” or “art”:

Speakers for Schools
Speakers for Schools the UK's Top Social Mobility Charity
We are a partner school for speakers for schools who provide a range of resources for Careers, including spotlights on speakers and work experience opportunities.

All staff are Careers Educators and can make important contributions to students’ awareness, knowledge and opinions about different careers and both further and higher destination options. Sharing your own career, training, employment and education experiences and wisdom are a key aspect of this benchmark.
Our Careers team is always available to support departments and continue to provide CPD. Please contact joseph.ryan@bbec.bdat-academies.org.