If you are interested in going into employment when you finish in Year 11 you might want to consider looking at an apprenticeship as an option. An apprenticeship is a job where you gain hands on experience of the career or occupational area you have chosen. You are a member of staff with a contract of employment and with working rights including holiday leave. You will be also expected to attend college either once a week (called day release) or in a block (block release) to gain in depth subject knowledge and practise your skills. This is a good option if you know exactly what you want to do after you leave school. Apprenticeships are no longer just in traditional roles anymore and they are available in a variety of different subject areas, from nursing to animal care.
There are four different levels of apprenticeships: intermediate (level 2), advanced (level 3), higher (level 4-5), and degree (level 6-7) and depending on the level they take between one and five years to complete.
Please see a number of short 10 minute videos on Apprenticeships and applying to them.
An introduction to Apprenticeships
Searching for apprenticeships in the current market
You may be thinking about university as an option, but now there are more and more apprenticeships appearing that are higher and degree level. Please watch this short video below that explains what a Higher Level/Degree Level apprenticeship is and how to go about applying for them.
The first place to look for apprenticeship is to look on the government website.
This is a national website where students advertise their vacancies. Please see the video below which explains how to register on this website.
There are also a number of different local providers who can support you with looking for an apprenticeship as well as advertise vacancies. It is worth downloading or accessing this guide which gives you an explanation off the different places that offer apprenticeship vacancies in different vocational areas across West Yorkshire.
There are a number of other websites which might be of interest for you surrounding Apprenticeships. Please take a look at these for further information and vacancies.
If you want help and support with looking for apprenticeships, please contact the careers team at Buttershaw, or email careers@bbec.bdat-academies.org
If you are a parent who is looking to advise your child it might be helpful for you to watch this video which gives general advice on looking for an apprenticeships and the application process.
There is also a podcast you can listen to about apprenticeships from a parent’s perspective, which gives advice on how to support your child to look at this as an option, as well as helping you as the biggest influencer in a young person’s life to make a good decision about their future.
A traineeship is a skills development programme that includes a work placement. It can last from six weeks up to one year, though most traineeships last for less than six months.
A traineeship helps you to improve your Maths and English grades as well as get work experience that can help you to get into employment or an apprenticeship.
Please see the video below that explains what a traineeship is and how it might suit you as a student.
The main provider of these in Bradford is Qube Learning.
There are also other providers of traineeships in the area, who you might want to take a look at. Information can be found on the government website.